主要利用VB中的Rnd函數,來實現隨機查找和打亂排序的功能,從而實現隨機抽獎的目的。Rnd函數的語法結構是Rnd[(number)],可選的number參數是 single或任何有效的數值運算式。Rnd函數返回小於1但大於或等於0的值。number 的值決定了 Rnd 生成亂數的方式。為了生成某個範圍內的隨機整數,可使用以下公式:
Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) × Rnd + lowerbound)
這裏,upperbound 是亂數範圍的上限,而 lowerbound 則是亂數範圍的下限。
另外,程式中還使用了INI檔,Windows INI檔,可解釋為Windows初始化檔。它是一種專門用來保存應用程式初始化資訊和運行環境資訊的文字檔案。ini檔是一種文字檔案,它可以通過Notepad等文本編輯器進行編輯。ini檔具有特定的格式。一個INI檔是由若干個段(section)組成的,每個段中包含若干關鍵字(key)及相應的值(value)。創建應用程式自己的INI檔,通過INI檔保存應用程式的一些運行環境資訊,然後在程式中讀取INI檔中的設置資訊並據以處理。一旦程式的運行環境需要變更,則可以通過直接修改INI檔,或在程式中提供專門的介面間接地修改INI檔來保證程式的可用性。
Option Explicit
Dim m_strNameArray() As MyName
Dim m_bIsStart As Boolean
Dim m_nNameIndex As Integer
Dim MAX_INDEX As Integer
Dim m_nSelectNum As Integer
Dim nScrollStep As Integer
Dim nScrollWidth As Integer
Dim bScrollState As Boolean
Dim nEnableSecond As Integer
Dim m_strTitle As String
Dim m_strAppTitle As String
Dim m_strScrollTitleLeft As String
Dim m_strScrollTitleRight As String
Private Sub Command_Start_Stop_Click()
If m_bIsStart = True Then
m_bIsStart = False
Command_Start_Stop.Caption =
Label_FlashName.Visible = True
Timer_FlashName.Enabled = True
Timer_ScrollName.Enabled = False
Label_FlashName =
m_strNameArray(m_nNameIndex).strName + “中獎了!"
m_strNameArray(m_nNameIndex).bIsSelect = True
m_nSelectNum = m_nSelectNum + 1
Dim Temp As MyName
Temp =m_strNameArray(MAX_INDEX)
m_str Name Array(MAX-INDEX) = m_strNameArray(m_nNameIndex)
m_strNameArray(m_nNameIndex) =Temp
If MAX_INDEX = 0 Then
MsgBox “非常感謝您使用本軟體"
End If
Else '按開始鈕
m_bIsStart = True
Command_Start_Stop.Caption = “停止"
Command_Start_Stop.Enabled = False
Timer_ScrollName.Enabled = True
Timer_FlashName.Enabled = False
Label_FlashName.Caption = “"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Form_Bouns.ScaleMode = 3
m_nNameIndex = 0
m_bIsStart = False
Timer_ScrollName.Enabled = True
Timer_ScrollTitle.Enabled = True
Label_FlashName.Visible = False
Label_ScrollName.Caption = “"
nEnableSecond = 0
nScrollStep = 5 '設定滾動字的步長
nScrollWidth = Label_Congruation.Left
bScrollState = False
m_nSelectNum = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Timer_FlashName_Timer() '閃動中獎者姓名
If Label_FlashName.Visible = True Then
Label_FlashName.Visible = False
Label_FlashName.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer_ScrollName_Timer() '滾動出現名字
If m_bIsStart = True Then
If m_nNameIndex >= MAX_INDEX Then
m_nNameIndex = 0
End If
m_nNameIndex =m_nNameIndex + 1
If m_strNameArray(m_nNameIndex).bIsSelect = True Then
If m_nNameIndex < MAX-INDEX Then
m_nNameIndex =
m_nNameIndex + 1
m_nNameIndex = 0
End If
End If
Label_ScrollName.Caption = m_str
'End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer_ScrollTitle_Timer() '滾動“恭喜發財"字樣
If bScrollState = False Then '向左滾
nScrollStep = 10
Label_Congruation.Caption = m_strScrollTitleLeft
If nScrollWidth > 0 Then
nScrollWidth =
nScrollWidth - nScrollStep
bScrollState = True
End If
Else '向右滾
nScrollStep = -10
Label_Congruation.Caption =
If nScrollWidth < Form_Bouns.ScaleWidth -
Label_Congruation.Width Then
nScrollWidth =
nScrollWidth - nScrollStep
bScrollState = False
End If
End If
Label_Congruation.Left = nScrollWidth
If nEnableSecond <= 49 Then
If m_bIsStart = True Then
nEnableSecond =nEnableSecond + 1
End If
If m_bIsStart = True Then
Command_Start_Stop.Enabled = True
nEnableSecond = 0
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ReDimNameArray()
Dim nMaxIndex As Integer
Dim strMaxIndex As String
Dim nIndex As Integer
Dim bIsBegin As Boolean
bIsBegin = False
nIndex = 0
Open App.Path + “name.txt" For Input As #1 '讀文件
Do Until EOF(1)
If bIsBegin = False Then
Line Input #1, strMaxIndex
nMaxIndex = Val(strMaxIndex)
MAX_INDEX = nMaxIndex - 1
ReDim m_strNameArray(0 To nMaxIndex - 1)
bIsBegin = True
Line Input #1, m_strNameArray(nIndex).strName
m_strNameArray(nIndex).bIsSelect = False
nIndex = nIndex + 1
End If
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim Temp As String
Dim nRandomNum As Integer
For j = 0 To 10
For i = 0 To nMaxIndex - 1
nRandomNum = ((nMaxIndex - 1) × Rnd) '利用Rnd函數
Temp = m_strNameArray(i).strName
m_strNameArray(i).strName = m_strNameArray(nRandomNum).strName
m_strNameArray(nRandomNum).strName = Temp
Next i
Next j
End Sub
Private Sub Init() '讀取INI文件
Dim X As Long
Dim lpFileName
Dim Temp As String × 50
lpFileName = App.Path + “Sortition.ini"
X = GetPrivateProfileString(“SYSTEM",“AppTitle",“抽獎程式", Temp, Len(Temp), lpFileName)
m_strAppTitle = Trim(Temp)
Temp =“"
X = GetPrivateProfileString(“SYSTEM", "Title", "歡迎使用抽獎程式", Temp, Len(Temp), lpFileName)
m_strTitle = Trim(Temp)
Temp = “"
X = GetPrivateProfileString(“SYSTEM",“ScrollTitleRight", “恭喜發財!!!", Temp, Len(Temp), lpFileName)
m_strScrollTitleRight = Trim(Temp)
X = GetPrivateProfileString(“SYSTEM",“ScrollTitleLeft", “龍年大發!!!", Temp, Len(Temp), lpFileName)
m_strScrollTitleLeft = Trim(Temp)
Form_Bouns.Caption = m_strAppTitle
Label_CompanyTitle.Caption = m_strTitle
End Sub
Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib “kernel32" Alias “GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationname As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Public Type MyName
strName As String
bIsSelect As Boolean
End Type
由於程式利用的windows ini檔保存一些標題資訊,因而可以方便的修改使用環境,及標題內容。
- Mar 05 Thu 2009 13:38
[VB6] 用VB 6.0編寫電腦抽獎程式